Custom Google Drive Integration
We are currently testing a private integration that allows Zapier users to access certain features of Google Drive that go beyond the default Zapier Google Drive integration. This custom integration is currently in limited private beta. If you have an interest in helping us test this integration, please contact us.
Beta Version 1.0
Supported Triggers:
Supported Actions:
Create Edit Permission for User
Sets the “writer” role for a specified user on a specified file.
- File ID from Google Drive
- email address for a Google Drive user.
- a Permission ID, which can later be used to modify the permission
- Display Name for the user
- URL to Photo of User, publicly visible, 64×64 (pixels)
- User type
Update Edit Permission to View for User
Updates the role to “reader” for the specified permission.
- File ID from Google Drive
- Permission ID from Google Drive
- Permission ID
- User type
Some of the features under consideration for future development include:
- Delete item
- Create permission for multpiple users
- Update permission for multiple users